Feldenkrais Ausbildung Zürich City 3 (2026 – 2029)

Die neue Feldenkrais Ausbildung Zürich City 3 (2026 – 2029) unter der Ausbildungsleitung von Christoph Habegger, bereitet Sie darauf vor, mit Kompetenz, Kreativität und Effizienz die Feldenkrais-Methode in verschiedenen gesellschaftlichen Bereichen umsetzen zu können.

Detaillierte Informationen finden Sie unter feldenkraisausbildung-zuerich.com .

Ljubljana Feldenkrais International Training 2023 – 2026

The Ljubljana Feldenkrais International Training will prepare you to become a competent, confident and professional Feldenkrais Practitioner. Being able to practice the method while at the same time understanding the principles and concepts that are underlying the method.

The training will address a wide variety of professionals with many different backgrounds. Whether you choose to pursue a career teaching the Feldenkrais Method or simply want to expand your horizons, this is an opportunity to become more of the person you always imagined yourself to be.

The training is led by Educational Director Christoph Habegger, Vienna. Our international team of highly experienced trainers and assistant trainers from different professional backgrounds, countries and generations will provide a wide range of learning experiences.
